Hope Lutheran Church - Fall Prevention Workshop


THANK YOU to our new friends at Hope Lutheran Church (Troy,NY) for having us Sunday, October 14th for a Fall Prevention Workshop.  We were delighted to get to know new faces, and catch up with a few familiar ones. Joe, Erin, and Nicole were on site teaching the members of the church about certain risk factors which increase ones risk of falling, as well as the assessments we use as Physical Therapists to assess an individuals Fall Risk. We found each member in the community knew what their blood pressure and eye sights were, but no one knew what their risk of falling was.

*Among older Americans FALLS are the #1 cause of death from injury and injuries.*

If you want to see what your risk of falling is, to avoid the startling statistic above, please call Sam or Nicole and request a free Fall Risk Assessment!!

Erin πŸ™‚


Did you just call me knee, β€˜stupid’?


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