
As a patient at Choice, you will receive individualized hands-on care from Doctors of Physical Therapy. We will help you understand the specific reasons you are experiencing pain, as well as how your body is compensating and contributing to that area of pain.  

Our purpose is to help you move well, so you can get back to living your life!

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Functional Movement Screening

A screening tool used to evaluate seven basic movement patterns in people with no current pain or injury. Not only do the screen findings produce an objective number that will tell us whether that person is at increased risk for injury, it also allows us to develop an individualized program to address their specific compensations. 

ACL Repair, Spinal fusions, laminectomies, discectomies, disc replacements, rotator cuff repairs, SLAP or Bankart repairs, shoulder and hip arthroscopies, total shoulder, hip, and knee replacement, reverse total shoulder replacements, menisectomy and meniscus repair, ankle surgeries, and more.

Post-Operative Rehabilitation

ACL, Total Hip Replacement, Total Knee Replacement, Edema Management, Range of Motion, Strengthening, Assistive Device Training, Gait Training


Pre-Operative Rehabilitation

Selective Functional Movement Assessment

Based off the principles of regional interdependence (compensation in one area of your body can impact another area of your body) the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a total body movement diagnostic system that allows us to systematically determine the cause of a patients’ pain, not just the source of the pain. This is extremely helpful at not only helping to heal a painful area but also putting strategies in place to address the cause of the pain in the long term. 

Rotator cuff tendonitis/tendinosis, Bursitis, Labral Tears, Biceps Injury, Impingement, Adhesive Capsuliitis (Frozen Shoulder), Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow), Medial Epincondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow), Sprains/Strains, Degenerative Changes, Carpal tunnel syndrome

Shoulder / Elbow / Wrist

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), arthritis, bursitis, meniscus injury, patellofemoral syndrome, patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee), bursitis, iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome, ankle sprains, Achilles tendonitits/tendinosis, plantar fasciitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, pain from bunions or neuromas.

Hip / Knee / Ankle

Sciatica, spinal degeneration, disc hernations, disc bulges, spinal stenosis, sprains/strains, radiculopathy, whiplash, sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction, headaches, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, pregnancy related lower back pain, postural dysfunction.

Lower Back / Neck / TMJ

Oncology rehab, diabetes, fibromyalgia, generalized deconditioning, balance dysfunction, difficulty walking, osteoporosis/osteopenia, arthritis, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, and more.

Chronic Health Conditions